Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today, I must quilt.

It's been a hectic week, trying to divide time accordingly for work, Cinco De Mayo party prep, laundry, and of course sleep. It always happens during weeks like this that I decide in one swift motion (or right turn into JoAnn Fabrics, in this case) that I start obsessing over some project. Currently, quilting has my undivided attention.

Was up until the wee hours last night piecing it together. I have only ever made one other quilt. It was about as simple as you can get, although, the hand quilting that I did was pretty intricate (pics later). In between work, the internets have assisted me learning some new quilt techniques. Exciting. In this quilt I've used the Dresden Plate, Log Cabin, & Curved Scrap piecing. Here's what I have so far.

Dresden Plate.

Curved Piecing

1 comment:

  1. The design of your fabric is very nice,To get more design in weaveron textile click on this link....:
